How home runaway kids made a Hyundai company..

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Friends, today’s article was taken, what is today’s post written for

Hello friends, today you must have got your title, so after reading today, what about a child who ran away from his house and made Hyundai’s biggest company, whose South Kurian company is..

Friends Hyundai’s story is very interesting..
Friends, when he was born at Hundred Place, he ran away from his house and his father used to take him to his house again and again…

Once, he fled from his house with the money he got from us by selling his father’s cow and went to a village far away from his home to start working in the place where he used to work.

But he used to get very little money according to wages, due to which he used to live there whenWhen his father came to know about this, his father went there and brought him home…

Friend once again we had made a firm plan to go out with two of our friends in it and even after he left, he started working at a place where the company gave him a house to live in Pune. He was from there, this time again his father brought him to his house…

The reason behind running away from home was that he was very poor, due to which he is called run away…

He has lived a very struggling life and struggled to get rid of some parking poverty by supporting his family a lot…

Once he had run away from the house with three of his friends, after saying as I said, he found an unknown man there who assured him that he would make arrangements for their food and drink, but the same man took their own money. Ran away and started stumbling here and there.

Due to this, he started getting very upset and while doing what his father again took him away from there, his life was passing so much in these troubles that these days he decided that he would..

Once he got his job at the store with an opinion, as an accountant who used to look after the calculations, once the health of the owner of his store deteriorated in a very bad way, due to which his owner asked him to go to that store..

Named that store in a different way, due to which his South Korean government took possession of his store, due to which the egg had given up and returned to his home..

During the World War, the situation of South Korea had become very bad, so the South Korea government said that that company would make that place a complete country and for this they would help their funds a lot, from here

the turning point of their Hyundai came to the fore and Hyundai started to make this thingWhile doing a lot of things like making cement road, he said that he stepped into the company of the car, where today we know it by the name of Hyundai car…

If you want, you can do anything, he has told that he had to do something big in the struggling life of his life, so I left home and ran away from there…

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Have a nice day!